yes photoshop. when u getting good at it..
it becomes your drug.. oh yes trust me.
when your not good at it, you dont even bother bout it
but when your getting used to it and getting
its will be your addiction.
i cant say that i'm a photoshop badass because i am not.
but i can consider myself as good among the suckers.
yes, like that.
but i have got to learn lots more things.
i can say that ive just learned like not even quarter than waht adobe photoshop cs provide .
and oh yes, im just using adobe photoshop cs.
not cs2 or cs3.
cs1 are easiest to manage and understand.
easy to understand pun took me about 5 months to cope with it..
SHUT UP! i know la im a slow learner.
yeah yeah yeah.
and u know what?
my final exam finally over!
oh yes!
freedom!(yeah right!lol)
because of that i dont have to worry my mom nag me for sleeping late.
i can do whatever i want!(well, not whatever)
ouh! nak ponteng sekolah la !
tido kat rumah much much better than pergi sekolah..wahahaha
oklah!thats all y'll!
and one more thing!i freakinly cant wait for twilight to come out!
ouh robert pattison!
why do you hve to be so hot?
aha..ok..emough with this crap.
currently listening to ; last request by paulo nutini