Wednesday, December 24, 2008

syaza and love?

its 5.19 am and im still not even slightly sleepy.just watched christmas movie and its kinda good because there's mario lopez in it and tht girl from sabrina the teenage witch. ;)made my day actually, or i can say night?or morning because its technically morning?blehh im crapping. so, yeah. i wish there is love in my life.muahahaha.

syaza, ko jiwang apahal!
mana de aku jiwang! :(

nahh.. i dont think of any lovy dovy thing right now. i dont know. maybe im not interested or maybe im just a nahhh.. im straight, unfortunately.

but that is true. i dont really think about couple or anything like that at this moment.
but i do have crushes on people.but thats just it. nothing more.
i looked at my friends and they said they LOVE their boyfriends with all their heart and soul..bla bla bla. yeah, we got it. they're your soul. without a part of them you'll die.yeah yeah yeah.

there are some of my friends asked me,

'' syaza, dah ada boyfriend belom?"

"boyfriend?nahh, x de pon.."

"tipulah, orang comel macam ko x kan tak de bf kot?"(NOTE THE SARCASISM IN THE SENTENCE)

"bukan x de nak tp sbb aku comel sngt la. tu la aku not interested."(again,NOTE THE SARCASISM!)

after a while, dorang dah malas nak layan aku. ;)

sometimes, i wonder jugak why the hell aku x de nafsu nak cinta2 nih.
lama2 fikir, baru ah aku tahu kenapa.
it maybe because im too FUSSY aka CHOOSY!
yup!that's gotta be the reason.

kalau boleh, my boyfriend needs to be tall, dark hair, pale skin, kaya, kaw sat genius, and good in english to be match with me who are short, dumpy, fat, gelap, miskin, agak pandai(lol), dan 'terer' in english.
senang cerita, SYAZA& British guy.

arent that match made in heaven? AS IF, SYAZA!
dont blame me, blame teenage girl hormones.they do most of the damages. ;)

so, what is the conclusion for all of this?
the conclusion is Syaza will be single for quite some time.

the end.

syaza kamarudin.