well, at 12am sharp on 19th august 2009, i got knocks on my door and theres baba and mama wishing me happy birthday and gave me kisses. awww.. i love you guys so much! and then i got a call from my brother, abg yarz, then my sis, kak liz. also got a message from kak alis, abg yarz's fiancee. and lastly from kak liz's boyfie. :) and i got countless messages from you guys,me friends! it mean so much to me. thanks a lot.
so, my family and i celebrated my birthday by what else, eat cakes la!we all went to secret recipe and order three pieces of cakes. yeah. we dont buy whole cake. everyone in my family try to cut down some sugar. i got to choose what cakes i want. so, i chose chocolate indulgance, raspberry cheese and chocolate chip walnut. yummy! then after that, we went for our dinner in our favourit diner, lead view hotel. i'll put some pictures.