Thursday, April 30, 2009

Watch Latest Hollywood Movie Terminator Salvation Online 2009 DVD RIP and Download

Watch Terminator Salvation Movie Online Review:

Looking more like a ghastly demolition project than a post-nuclear dystopic 2018 LA in battered ruins overrun by mean-spirited robots, the interminably noisy, latest futuristic bone and metal cruncher Terminator Salvation is less about being great than just plain grating. Isn't this the sort of environmental irritant audiences flee to the movies to get away from?

It seems that there are still some spunky post-apocalyptic humans around, running interference on their clunky Terminator adversaries and the malevolent think tank brains behind the heavy metal brawn, Skynet. In ragtag rescue mode, is John Connor (Christian Bale), along with a couple of youngster survivalists, Kyle (Anton Yelchin) and Star (Jadagrace). A sidbar conflict kicks in when the mysterious Marcus (Sam Worthington) turns up to presumably pitch in, with a full blown identity crisis, or else premature Alzheimers.

Marcus is a previously executed convict and suspicious cyborg contraption concocted in the afterlife from experimental mix 'n match human body parts and a robot interior, and potentially in league with Skynet. But there's a war to the death to be waged against the Terminators, so whether Marcus stopped by from the past or is a two-faced fifth columnist from the future, is sorta beside the point for now.............

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