Monday, March 16, 2009


grabbed it from firafall


Write the first word/thing/person that comes into your head when you read this word
1. coffee: starbucks
2. dog: haramm
3. slut: miley cyrus
4. candy: no moree.
5. pole: stripping
6. ocean: sunburn
7. school: friends!
8. bugs: ladybugs
9. cookie: jar
10. singing: rockstar
11. life: stressful
12. child: one day.

Ten guilty men go free OR One innocent man goes to jail for life
Eaten by a lion OR Eaten by thousands of small insects
A life of contentment without love OR A life with love and heartache
Skydiving from a plane OR Bungee jumping off a bridge
No television OR No music
No more pizza, ever OR No more chocolate, ever
A trip to Europe OR a trip to Hawaii
An hour with your future soul mate OR An hour with a loved one
No longer being able to cry OR No longer being able to feel the need to cry
Sex without love OR love without sex
Loving someone who doesn't love you OR being loved by someone you don't love