Monday, August 31, 2009

Watch Hollywood Online Movie Final Destination 4 and Free Download 2009

Final Destination 4 Movie Review :

It's all about blood, innards, meat and more blood. It was a very gore movie and many occasions, I just block my view with the fliers I had earlier at the mall. So disgusting. But that's what the director of this movie was intended to do! To show horrible death! In this 4th series, mostly are just exploding humans to a pile of meat except the lady with the eye-to-the-brain from the flying pebbles. I still remember vividly the 2nd series when the guy got strangled by the bathtub line in the bathroom, he was struggling and his eyes then turn bloody and blue! Ewww....I'm still having a phobia in the bathtub bathroom. And now I'm nervous when I'm going to have a haircut!

Ames commented many deaths in the movies were resulted from human carelessness. I totally agree with that. And in reality, many workplace and home accidents are caused by it. One scene I remember well and always reminding myself is be careful when having a mineral water bottle in the car. It might roll off and stuck between the car brake pedal and the car floor and can't press the brakes! It was from FD2 scenes. In the FD4, always be careful when dealing with machines and combustible materials. But Ames pointed our some flaws in the movie. How can a normal water tap can cause such a large overflow of water and why the ceiling is so fragile like it was made of asbestos? And didn't the ambulance can't see the man standing beside the road………….

Watch Hollywood Final Destination 4 Movie Online :

Final Destination 4 Online Movie

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