Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Pop Star Britney Spears to reveal harsh truths on MTV

Pop Star Britney Spears to reveal harsh truths on MTV

Fallen Pop Star aka Publicity Hog Britney Spears has finally decided to unleash some nasty and shocking information to her millions of fans (and us) - she will reveal some key incidents of her recent topsy turvy years in an MTV documentary.

It is very strange that Britney suddenly had this brainwave, just days before she releases her new album. Is this a publicity stunt? Is this an extraordinary coincidence? The mystery continues...

Anyways this is what she had to say: "I've been through a lot and there's a lot that people don't know."

On November 30th Britney will reveal the sob story of the extremely hard life of having more than 5 million dollars, two kids and millions of fans.

"I sit there and I look back and I'm like, 'I'm a smart person. What the hell was I thinking?" she said.

"I'm kind of stuck in this place and it's like, how do you deal? And you just cope, and that's what I do. I just cope with it, every day."

Britney Spears' career has been going downhill and the issue of her sex tape and her parents imposing a sex ban on her didn't help matters.

So be prepared for some startling revelations on your television screens next month -the show might just be funnier than Britney's 2007 MTV performance.